
NIE Publications

The National Institute of Ecology regularly brings out a variety of publications. They include:

1. Quarterly Newsletter – NIENEWS, (DISCONTINUED)

2. Bulletin of the National Institute of Ecology, and

3. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Proceedings of seminars, symposia and conferences are published in book form. (see Books)

Reports, reference books, educational and informative brochures, etc. are published occasionally.

The Journal and most of the books are published in collaboration with the International Scientific Publications, another non-profit-making organisation.

The publication program is planned to be expanded soon to include textbooks for university students.

All members of the NIE have access to the onlineĀ  Journal, andĀ Bulletin as benefits of their annual membership.

Members receive substantial discounts on all other publications (single copy for personal use only).

For details of various publications, check relevant pages.