Election Procedure
Procedure for the Election of Fellows
The election to the Fellowship is held only once in a year.
- The nominations for the elections to the Fellowship are made on a prescribed form available from the Secretary-General of the Institute.
- The nominees for election as a Fellow mustl meet the following conditions at the time of nomination:
- a. He/she should be a Life Member of the NIE.
- b. He/she should hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any field of ecology or environmental science.
- c. He/she should have at least 10 years’ experience after obtaining the Ph.D. degree.
In exceptional cases the requirement of Ph.D. and experience may be waived if the nominee has published research work of high quality.
- Every nominee is proposed by two or more Fellows of whom not more than ore is a member of the Central Executive Council. The nomination form shall specify the name, age, profession, qualifications, including a list of publications, and the place of residence. It shall provide also a brief statement of the nature and significance of the important contributions of the nominee. Copies of publications shall also be submitted with the proposal. The proposer shall send the nomination form direct to other Fellows for their support to the nominee by affixing their signatures thereon.
- All nominations for the Fellowship received by the Secretary-General on or before 31 August only are considered for elections in that year.
- The Central Executive Council forwards the nominations to a Sub-committee named for the purpose for each discipline within the field of ecology and environmental sciences. The Sub-committee comprising of at least three Fellows on scrutiny of the nominations, makes recommendations to the Council.
- The Council considers the recommendations at its meeting or by correspondence and recommend those for election whom it considers appropriate.
- The Secretary-General then sends a voting paper containing the recommendations of the Council to all the Fellows.
- The Fellows vote for the candidates by putting a cross against their names. The voting paper is returned in a sealed envelope placed in another envelope provided for the purpose, together with a signature slip, to the Secretary-General, before a specified date.
- The ballot papers are opened by the Secretary-General and two other scrutineers nominated by the President.
- The scrutineers report to the President the number of votes polled by each nominee. The President declares as having been duly elected the names of those candidates who have secured the votes of two-thirds of Fellows voting.
- The result of the election is notified to the elected candidates by post, and also to all other Fellows and Members in a manner considered suitable by the Council.
- The process of election is completed, as far as possible, before 10 December each year in which the nominations have been received and are considered.
- The candidates nominated in the manners prescribed in these regulations but who have not been elected in the same year, are automatically considered for election in the next year when the candidates may provide additional information about their work for consideration. If the candidates fail to get elected in the next year also, fresh nominations are required for consideration for election of Fellowship.