Modeling the Distribution of Three Cactus Species of the Caatinga Biome in Future Climate Scenarios



The climate predictions for the Caatinga (shrubland) biome this century include increased air temperature and reduced rainfall, leading to aridization. Studies about the risks posed to the biome’s flora are scarce. The present article reports a study to model the distribution of three epiphytic cactus species native to the Caatinga biome (Rhipsalis floccosa Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff., Rhipsalis lindbergiana K. Schum and Rhipsalis russellii Britton & Rose) in future climate scenarios. For this purpose, we used nine environmental variables obtained from biodiversity databases and the MaxEnt algorithm, considering two future time intervals, 2041-2060 and 2061-2080, centered respectively in 2050 and 2070, with the 1961-1990 time slice as current reference. The greenhouse gas concentration scenarios were RCP 4.5 and 8.5. Five distribution models were generated for each target species. All the future models projected contraction of more than 87% in the areas with high occurrence potential of the species in relation to the present area. The areas of high potential are in the majority at elevations with specific characteristics. The drastic contraction effect of the potential areas is a warning of possible local extinctions of the target species in the Caatinga biome. Furthermore, it allows inferring local extinction for other epiphyte species with similar climate requirements. Therefore, it appears premature to make any prediction of a low impact of climate change on the Caatinga biome.


Climate Change; Cactaceae; Rhipsalis; MaxEnt; Epiphytic Cactus; Impact


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