Litterfall, Decomposition and Nutrient Dynamics in Traditional Agro-Forestry Systems of Northeast India

Sumpam Tangjang, A. Arunachalam, K. Arunachalam, S. Deb


We investigated litter production, litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics from three traditional agroforestry systems in Harmutty (Assam) and Nirjuli and Doimukh (Arunachal Pradesh) in northeast India. Litter production was studied by using litter traps and decomposition of leaf litter by nylon net bag technique. On an average, litterfall was 1406 kg ha-1 yr-1 that was influenced by climatic variables. Canopy species such as Areca catechu and Gmelina arborea accounted for about 30% of the total litter production. Analysis of variance indicated significant difference at 0.05 level in leaf and non-leaf litter (F=16.25; P=2.96). Overall, leaf litterfall was greater during winter in Harmutty and Doimukh sites and during autumn in Nirjuli site. This is attributed to species characteristics. The litter biomass on the floor of different agroforestry sites varied from 455 to 755 kg ha-1. Trees provide about 75% of the total leaf litterfall; Areca catechu contributed 13%, followed by Alstonia scholaris (3.8%). Altogether, shrub species contributed 24% of the litter. Decay rate was highest for Colocasia esculenta (8.61) and lowest in Livistona jenkinsiana (0.68). The initial N content was greater in Ageratum conyzoides and lower in Musa sp. During the early period of decomposition nutrients decreased whereas the concentration of nitrogen increased. The residue quality could contribute to the nutrient cycling processes that facilitates the production and productivity of agroforestry systems per se.


Agroforestry; Decomposition; Littefall; Nutrient Dynamics; Northeast India


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