Structure and Floristic Composition of Tropical Deciduous Forests Around Bokaro District, Jharkhand, India

Chandravir Narayan, Ashish Kumar, Mahendra Kumar Ghritlahre, Anshumali -


The composition and structure of plant community  was studied in four one hectare (ha) plots in tropical deciduous forest around Bokaro district, Jharkhand, India. One plot each was established in Jiradih (site-I), Chargi (site-II), Sandoi (site-III) and Chiruvabera (site-IV) based on the prevalence of natural and anthropogenic factors. At each of the four sites, the plot was divided into 100 quadrats, each 10 m x 10 m in size. In each quadrat, the circumference of all the adult individuals [≥30 cm circumference at breast height (CBH, 1.37 m)] was measured with Freeman’s tape. Similarly, saplings (individuals 10 to < 30 cm CBH) and established seedlings (individuals < 10 cm CBH but ≥ 30 cm height) were enumerated in each 10 m x 10 m quadrats. We inventoried a total of 38 plant species across sampled area. 23 plant species occurred in all three life stages (adult+sapling+seedling) followed by 7 species in (adult+seedling) stages, 2 species in (adult+sapling) stages, 2 species in (sapling+seedling) stages and 4 species only in adult stage. Significant variations occurred in the population structure across four sites. Total number of adult individuals varied from 290 ha-1 (site-I) to 455 ha-1 (site-III) with mean value of 368 ha-1. The basal area varied from 5.10 m2 (site-II) to 39.30 m2 (site-I) with mean value of 17.60 m2. Based on basal area site-I, III and IV was dominated by Shorea robusta, while site-II was dominated by Butea monosperma. The forest soil analysis showed significant variations in the physico-chemical and microbial parameters. This study provides baseline information for monitoring and sustaining plant diversity of tropical deciduous forests in the state of Jharkhand.


Population; Dominance; Forest soil; Tropical deciduous forest.


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